La Bûche de Noël is a must for Christmas

parisdiaRecipes2 Comments

The Chalet bûche by Lenôtre is at 190€

The Christmas log (bûche de Noël) as we call our Christmas dessert in France is a rolled gênoise with either coffee, chocolate or red fruit filling. It dates back from the XIX th century but only became popular after WWII and was inspired by the Scandinavian rites of the end of the winter solstice (Dec 21). Before Medieval times, a tree trunk was being burned for many days as a tribute to Gods and to guarantee a good crop for the following year. The burning of the Christmas log used to be a meeting point for the family. In Provence, the custom is to offer thirteen desserts which include nuts, calisson, quince jelly and green melon. It seems that this year the Chalet is the favorite theme for fancy Lenôtre and cheap Picard bûches.


The frozen Bûche by Picard is the cheapest at less than 20€

Whether you decide on a bûche or on a vacherin made with chestnut mousse and meringue (my favorite) I wish you a very happy Christmas and lots of love by he fireplace.

Bûche d’Exception by Pierre Hermé represents the Pont Neuf in Paris

Paris Diary will be away next week and will return with the new Year with all the cultural news to come.

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2 Comments on “La Bûche de Noël is a must for Christmas”

  1. Wow! we used to go a friend’s house for Christmas, and he always had a Bûche de Noel from a French chef he knew. Yum!

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