Strikes, système D and flowers for the New Year

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At Rosebud, books and flowers celebrate the New Year

For the last four weeks, France has been paralyzed by train and subway strikes. Most people walk four hours a day to go to work and back. Bicycles, trottinettes and all kinds of rolling transport systems have been developed to the point that accidents have risen all around big cities. Christmas vacations were spoiled for lack of trains, airplanes are fully booked and there is not one car to be rented. But Parisians react and fight as they did during the German occupation.  They walk and they use “système D” (débrouille: manage). Blabla car and Macron buses have never been more successful. Companies hire hotel rooms for their employees who live far away, the Louvre closes at 5.30 pm on some days, and the two automatic subway lines in Paris, the 1 and the 14, now attract everyone… including the very rich. And I went to buy beautiful flowers at Rosebud to cheer up.

Poppies in a Japanese vase is a tribute to photographer John Stewart by Rosebud

How long is this challenging situation going to last? Nobody knows but it has brought a solidarity which lacks in our modern lives. People speak to each other on buses, everyone walks and streets are lively. An English friend who walked from Gare du Nord to the Madeleine, told me how happy she was to have discovered new streets and shops on the way.

Vincent Laissard the poet florist who created Rosebud

I personally went across Paris to place de l’Odéon, to see a wonderful flower man, Vincent Laissard, whom I met recently. The poetry and refinement of his bouquets emanate directly from his personality and I first encountered his flower arrangements at British photographer John Stewart‘s funeral in 2017. He had worked on a poppy theme to echo John’s photographs of poppies.

This extraordinary man was a prisoner of the Japanese during WW2 and had survived the unbearably harsh conditions of working on the building of the railroad line and the bridge over the river Kwai (He was later a consultant on the film). Strangely enough and because he had learned Japanese from the soldiers, and probably survived because he could be the interpreter for the prisoners, he developed a love for the culture and traditions of Japan.

At the end of his career (he died at 98) he took wonderful “Morandi” type photographs of ceramics at Astier de Villatte on rue Saint Honoré.

This time, for New Year, the tiny flower shop “Rosebud”, facing Théâtre de l’Odéon, was overwhelmed with holly and Christmas roses or Hellebores as they are called by true gardeners. One needs poetry and beauty in time of strikes. And I found my little paradise which I am sharing with you.

Rosebud, 4 place de l’Odéon Paris 6, Tel: 01 43 29 66 47

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16 Comments on “Strikes, système D and flowers for the New Year”

  1. Merci ma chère Laure pour cette précieuse nouvelle adresse !
    J’irai sans façon dès l’année prochaine – de ta part bien sûr

  2. Thank you a lot for our Tuesday news.
    You bring beauty apart from knowledge
    Have a Really Happy New Year
    You deserve it

  3. Merci Laure pour cette jolie trouvaille, j’y cours !
    Mes vœux affectueux pour une Belle année 2020
    Blandine de Rivoyre

  4. Merci de nous faire partager cette belle adresse.
    Les bouquets sont magnifiques et apportent douceur et romantisme, on en a tant besoin !
    Je te souhaite une Belle Année ma chère Laure, à bientôt.
    Je t’embrasse.

  5. Poetry and beauty, thankyou Dear Laure:
    The cool sun filling the rooms, the music of India Song…
    Books always…
    A bright new decade to you

  6. Chère Laure,

    Le fidèle lecteur que je suis te remercie pour ton blogue et te souhaite toutes sortes de nouvelles découvertes en 2020 (que tu partageras avec nous!) Et tu m’as fait penser ce matin qu’il n’y pas vraiment d’équivalent en Anglais pour “débrouillard” : Google me propose “resourceful” but that doesn’t really capture it does it?

    Abrazos desde la ciudad de México…


  7. Merci Laure de ton talent pour nous faire découvrir Paris dans des couleurs toujours gaies et toniques et d’être une mine d’or de nouvelles adresses. Une merveilleuse nouvelle année aussi talentueuse que tu sais nous la présenter chaque semaines. Baisers. Catherine Rathle

  8. What a fairytale the flower arrangements are, thank you for sharing. I wish you a wonderful 2020. With joy, happiness and good health.
    Thank you for your Tuesday morning calls, I look forward to them and learn a lot. Love, Erna

  9. Les bouquets classiques sont très jolis dans des vases en céramique japonais et l’ikebana possible dans des vases classiques. Il suffit d’avoir des belles fleurs pour devenir artiste. Bonne et créative année .

  10. Merci Laure pour cette touche de poésie indispensable!!!! Je vais souvent en voisine chez Rosebud, toujours merveilleux! Me réjouis de nos rendez-vous du mardi matin….

  11. Bonne et heureuse année chère Laure. This was a lovely message, shared with VASK, the local BOSTON international garden travel fans who are also your biggest fans ! Love, Kyra

  12. Merveilleuses ces fleurs , un baume sur le cœur !
    Nous te souhaitons une excellente et passionnante année 2020 et pensons à toi de notre lointaine Colombie .
    Espérons qu’elle nous donnera la joie de te retrouver en France . Ou …. peut-être sous nos cieux !!
    Nous t’embrassons fort
    Francine et Sylvie

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