Trendy books get signed at Galignani’s!

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What does an art book on “Bagatelle” and a biography of Princesse Bibesco have in common? They get signing parties at Galignani‘s, the English bookshop on rue de Rivoli, where Karl Lagerfeld used to buy hundreds of thousands of € of books every year. The month of September is traditionally rich in new novels and the rentrée littéraire is ready … Read More

French Sculpture in America, a data base and now a book

parisdiaArt, Books2 Comments

Laure de Margerie is a long distance runner. For the past twenty years she has been researching the presence of French sculpture in the US which resulted in a database of 14 051 sculptures by 1047 artist in 612 locations, from 1500 to 1950, and she has just recently published a book in both languages, with 444 pictures based on … Read More

Two young art curators are awarded the Prix Michel Laclotte

parisdiaArt, BooksLeave a Comment

She is 30 and he is 36, Giulia Longo curator at Musée Anne de Beaujeu in Moulins, and Lionel Arsac, curator of sculptures at Versailles both received the second Prix Michel Laclotte, dedicated to young curators at the beginning of their career. Introduced by Geneviève Bresc-Gaultier, who talked about working with Michel Laclotte (1929-2021) at the Louvre when he was … Read More

Here and there, fun moments of the week

parisdiaArt, Books, Performing arts2 Comments

I could not be at musée d’Orsay to see the only representation of  “Une femme peut en cacher une autre” ( a woman can hide another) but numerous friends told me how charming it was and I therefore read the text “Manet, Degas,  Une femme peut en cacher une autre” published by Samsa/UPT, which is of great interest. The authors, … Read More

A poetic conversation at Librairie Gallimard

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It was a fascinating literary conversation that took place at Librairie Gallimard between the Franco Lebanese poet Nayla Chidiac  and the Franco British Sir Michael Edwards, the first Britannic member of the Académie Française. At 85, he is revered as a translator, a teacher and a poet. She is thirty years younger and a brilliant psychologist, specialized in traumas, who was … Read More