In Chantilly, André Charles Boulle glitters!

parisdiaFurnitureLeave a Comment

At 37 and after two years of running Musée Condé in Chantilly, Mathieu Deldicque proves that research and integrity in art history are not only essential but also winning qualities when you organize an exhibition. The André Charles Boulle show that just opened, is a masterpiece of excellence as glittering as the exceptional bronze ornaments set on the royal desks … Read More

At Musée Guimet, “Guardians of time” celebrate the year of France-China in red!

parisdiaArt, Furniture, HistoryLeave a Comment

Yannick Lintz, the dynamic president of Musée Guimet, is a fervent lover of China and to celebrate President Xi Jinping’s visit to France on 6-7 May,  for the inauguration of the France China Year, she asked Shanghai artist Jiang Qiong Er to disguise her museum into a bright red monument. It is even visible from the Eiffel Tower! The façade … Read More

Here and there people you should know about…

parisdiaArt, FurnitureLeave a Comment

PAD, the design fair in Jardins des Tuileries, was celebrating its 24 th edition since 1998, and it was a beautiful and refined occasion to discover new galleries of ceramics, lamps and furniture. Everyone was under 40 years old on the stands and in the aisles and very glamorous. I discovered Aurélie Galois’s works at Mouvements Modernes, a gallery set … Read More

Imperial silks for Versailles at the Grand Trianon

parisdiaArt, Furniture8 Comments

This morning at Versailles, I discovered that we owe one important historical moment to the Brits: in sending Napoleon to Elba in April 1814, they prevented Versailles from being turned into a Napoleonic castle with a new façade and new apartments for all his family and military aides. All the plans for the elevation and the decors were recently acquired … Read More

Rambouillet is the new place to be!

parisdiaArchitecture, Art, Furniture, History1 Comment

It’s always very exciting to enter a newly restored house and Château de Rambouillet, managed by Centre des Monuments Nationaux, is particularly interesting for it glittered under three different regimes. First, King Louis XVI  who used to hunt there often (it is close to Versailles) and he  asked Hubert Robert to conceive laiterie (milk farm) for Marie Antoinette who did … Read More