La Roche Guyon, a remarkable vegetable garden

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After seeing the amazing « Impressionist’s gardens » at the Royal Academy in London, last month, I have become curious of all garden exhibitions in Normandy and therefore went straight to the « Caillebotte, painter and gardner » show at Giverny’s Musée des Impressionistes (until July 3rd).

The Laeken Royal greenhouses, amazing!

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Once a year at the end of April and for three weeks only, the royal greenhouses of Laeken, are open to the public. I had never heard of them until a dear friend who recently setteld in Brussels, asked me to go with him. It was paradise for two hours. The sky was undecided but we headed for the Belgian royal … Read More

Gardens and art, a true passion

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Jérôme Marcadé is a true passionate. He has a garden in Normandy, but he spends most of his time in his bookstore–gallery near théâtre de l’Odéon, where he invites photographers, sculptors, painters and writers to meet and discuss their work. His kingdom is a bit like a salon, where all forms of art are focused on plants and garden. It … Read More

A witty lunch at the French Academy

parisdiaBooks, Flowers and gardens4 Comments

  It’s always impressive to have lunch at the French Academy, one of the most fabulous 17 th century building, designed  by Louis Le Vau along the Seine, and when you are invited by Academician Hugues Gall, the witty and charming Director of Giverny (who was born in Honfleur!) it is even more exciting. The excuse for gathering twenty guests … Read More

“The Modern Garden” at the Royal Academy

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« Painting the Modern garden, Monet to Matisse », is the right exhibition on the right theme in the right country. Where else, but in Great Britain, where everyone has a garden and cherishes it, could one have organised a show on painters who love gardening. There was a real faith animating the public in the crowded Royal Academy galleries, … Read More

Flowers for kids

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The only condition is to be 7 or older and to form a group of 3 to 10 friends. Atelier Marie Marianne, one of the most refined flower boutique in Paris, loves children. And the two ladies who run the shop, Marie Lavoine and Marianne Robic, have decided to teach kids how to create flower arrangements. For Christmas, Easter or … Read More