The Deyrolle Prize uncovers Béatrice Meunier’s great talent

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Every year the taxidermist Deyrolle awards a prize for paintings of nature, exhibited at Salon des Beaux Arts and organises a show in their magical shop of rue du Bac. This year Béatrice Meunier-Déry won, with her amazing drawings made with a felt pen O,O3  and a magnifier. Born in the French Ardennes, Béatrice studied architecture before devoting all her … Read More

Rupert Shrive at Galerie Hoang Beli

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Nor far from Centre Pompidou where the Donation Ilya and Emilia  Kabakov was being shown, I discovered a new very pretty gallery Hoang Beli on rue Chapon, which was recently opened by John Hoang, a Vietnamese Singaporean young accountant who loves art. This month he exhibits English eccentric artist, Rupert Shrive, who pushed his statue of Balzac by foot all … Read More

Seffa Klein and a family “constellation” at Galerie Poggi

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Jérome Poggi used the evening of the Surrealist gala dinner of Amis du Centre Pompidou, to launch his exhibition of Seffa Klein‘s “bismuth” paintings in his new gallery facing Beaubourg. And discovering Yves Klein‘s (1928-1952)  granddaughter’s paintings was extremely fun. Purple cocktails were being served with a DJ active on the first floor and a young International crowd was ready … Read More

Duels are trendy at Musée de l’Armée

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The historical Hotel des Invalides, founded by Louis XIV in 1674, will be at the center of the Olympic Games and the Esplanade is already blocked to pedestrians by all sorts of constructions. I was happily surprised to run into hundreds of foreign tourists who were visiting the monument and the church on a recent sunny Friday. Happily, very few … Read More

At Chantilly, animals invade the famous library and Claude Lorrain strikes our eye with his drawings

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There are two exhibitions at Chateau de Chantilly which might seem very intellectual but are actually a great source of pleasure. One, “Bestiaire médiéval” reveals all the imaginary and real animals painted in Medieval times in hunting treaties, fables, religious books… The donkey and the beef in Bethlehem, Jonas and the whale or other symbolic animals, have all been taken … Read More