“Moura”, a true adventuress

parisdiaBooks1 Comment

For her eleventh book, French novelist Alexandra Lapierre has picked the most extravagant and moving Russian heroin and has traveled around Europe, Estonia and Russia for three years, digging into archives, secret service files from England, France, Germany and Russia, and aristocrat’s clubs. The life of Moura Benckendorff, who lived through the Russian Revolution, loved Gorki, H.G. Wells and a … Read More

Maryse Wolinski’s love book, a year later

parisdiaBooks1 Comment

There have been many books and articles devoted to “Charlie Hebdo” in the beginning of the year, to celebrate the first anniversary of January 7 th, 2015. But none have the simplicity and the literary style that Maryse Wolinski shows in her moving and fascinating book : « Chérie, je vais à Charlie » (Darling, I am leaving for Charlie)

Saint Denis, the Basilica, in a lovely book

parisdiaBooks1 Comment

The cathedral of Saint Denis is mostly a house for French kings to rest in peace. Few people think of visiting this first example of gothic art built on the spot where King Dagobert was buried in 639, even though it is only a twenty minute metro ride from the Madeleine. In June, its sacred music festival is a must. … Read More

40 years of great cuisine

parisdiaBooks1 Comment

When I was a little girl, my grandfather’s cook made the best profiteroles au chocolat and they were filled with crème patissière, a heavy custard, not ice cream like you find today. The « snob au chocolat » was a mix of butter, chocolate and cream that cooled in the fridge for 24 hours, and was the highlight of our … Read More

A book that opens houses

parisdiaArt, Books1 Comment

The first time I was invited at Guy de Rothschild’s house in Normandy,  he graciously welcomed me in the parking and said : « It’s amusing to discover a new house isn’t it ? » This was the most understated remark he could make and I always remember his voice when I enter a new place. His stud farm of … Read More

Saint-Roch, a very special church and now a book

parisdiaBooks, Happy moments2 Comments

The church of Saint-Roch, a few blocks from the Louvre and the Comédie Française, is very special to Parisians. Not only does it own one of the most precious religious art collections of the capital, it is also the parish of Artists. For that reason, it held many of the famous designers’, musicians’ or actors’ funeral masses including Yves Saint … Read More

Liliane and Lily take us on a riveting journey

parisdiaBooks1 Comment

There are many good books around and reading a friend’s book is always a treat, because one feels one understands more than what is actually written. But discovering « The Double life of Liliane » by National book award winner Lily Tuck, is not only an immense pleasure, it is a poetic journey through the second half of the 20 … Read More