Pierre Antoine Bernheim remembered

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Pierre-Antoine Bernheim wrote many books including « Paradis Paradis » paradise as described in different religions with Guy Stavridès and  “James, Brother of Christ ». He was interested in the history of religions and after he died prematurely in 2011, his mother Francine created the literary Prize for History of religions, he had planned to give to Académie des Inscriptions et Belles … Read More

Daniel Templon turns 50

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To celebrate his fifty years as an art dealer, French  galerist Daniel Templon, commissioned a book on his professional life by Sorbonne Professor Julie Verlaine. It is a history of the last fifty years of contemporary art and a page turner about a little man from the suburbs, who became very big through his passion for art and his love of … Read More

My Battle of Algiers by Ted Morgan

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He was called Sanche de Gramont then and was enrolled as a Frenchman in the army. But having been raised in New York, trained at Yale College and at Columbia school of journalism, he felt quite unconcerned by the French  Algerian independence war of 1956 -1957.

Victor Hugo, Jean Hugo and more Hugos

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For two days last week, I kept on bumping into friends from London and from Provence who had come to Paris for the Hugos openings. Hugo like Victor Hugo, whose Museum on place des Vosges, is having an exhibition on “Five generations of artistic talents” by the famous writer’s heirs. But Hugo also, like Marie and Jean Baptiste, the two … Read More

Apollinaire, a fantastic art critic!

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When you enter, the exhibition « Apollinaire le regard du poète » (the poet’s eye) at Musée de l’Orangerie in the Tuileries gardens, you hear the poet declaiming « Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine et nos amours » one of his most popular poems. In front of you, sits a bronze of Arlequin by Picasso, 1905, and behind … Read More

Prix Emile Perreau Saussine, a moving moment

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  For the sixth year, friends and family of Emile Perreau Saussine met at Sciences Pô for the prize giving ceremony in his memory. He was a teacher of philosophical politics at Cambridge university and at Institut des Sciences politiques in Paris, and his PhD adviser, Pierre Manent is the president of the jury.

A witty lunch at the French Academy

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  It’s always impressive to have lunch at the French Academy, one of the most fabulous 17 th century building, designed  by Louis Le Vau along the Seine, and when you are invited by Academician Hugues Gall, the witty and charming Director of Giverny (who was born in Honfleur!) it is even more exciting. The excuse for gathering twenty guests … Read More

Emmanuelle Pirotte wins Prix Edmée de la Rochefoucauld

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It was one of those magical days, where the sun shines through the luxurious paneled rooms of Cercle Interallié, and the large garden was revealing its first daffodils and primroses. In Salon duc de Luynes, a small group of chic ladies (and a few gentlemen) were meeting for the Prize giving ceremony of Prix Edméee de la Rochefoucauld, dedicated to … Read More