Giverny forever

parisdiaHappy moments4 Comments

The waterlilies were not in bloom and Hugues Gall, the brilliant President of the Monet Foundation was not in town, but our day in Giverny was nonetheless scintillating. My initial desire was to visit the Degas exhibition at the Musée des Impressionismes (former American Museum) and I picked a very sunny day to drive up to Giverny (one hour from … Read More

A new glass roof for Chantilly

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The occasion was festive and « the Friends of Musée Condé » in Chantilly, could be proud of themselves for having contributed to the restoration of the paintings from the famous Duc d’Aumale collection. Pierre Antoine Gatier, architect in chief of Monuments Historiques, was discussing the color of the original 1895 mural fabrics by Binant, which he managed to save. … Read More

Treasures of sand and fire

parisdiaHappy moments2 Comments

It is hard to make a choice among the 600 pieces of glass that are exceptionnally exhibited at the Galerie Rivoli of Musée des Arts Décoratifs. This attempt to illustrate the history of glass making in Venice and in France but also in China and Vienna since the Renaissance is a great success and a quiet moment to enjoy.

Philippe Entremont, intimate

parisdiaHappy moments2 Comments

What a privilege to go on a Sunday night to Musée Jacquemart André and listen to one of the greatest French pianists, Philippe Entremont, who played Mozart and Schubert. The private museum, one of the most visited in Paris thanks to Culturespace which manages it, is the former Hôtel particulier of sculptor Nélie Jacquemart and her rich husband Edouard André. … Read More

Le salon de l’agriculture

parisdiaHappy moments2 Comments

I go to yearly Salon de l’agriculture with the same curiosity, I go to the Maastricht art fair, my eyes wide open. Instead of rich Dutch and German art collectors, I study the farmers and young equestrian enthusiasts who for ten days, share their passion for animals with Parisians.

Everything you always wanted to know about Apes

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Gilles Nicolas is a painter and a sculptor and he has a specific passion for very large animals. Elephants and dynosaures, have no secrets for him and he has therefore been a long time contributor to the Grande Galerie de l’Evolution of Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, in Paris. His three apes and chimpazees welcome us in the first room of … Read More

My Valentine

parisdiaHappy moments3 Comments

Ella is my Valentine this year, a beautiful little girl who has more friends than any baby I know. One day I will take her dancing in Venice where Alexis de Maud’huy and all the followers of his website Wikilove are meeting this year for Valentine, at 1 pm on Piazza San Marco…

New Year Good Wishes

parisdiaHappy moments5 Comments

  There is a wonderful custom in Great Britain and The US of sending Xmas or New Year cards. Each year my French friends envy the mantelpiece in my living room, where I display the cards. Of course more and more arrive by e mail with endless stories of the children having lost their teeth or the husband having run … Read More