Where on earth …?

parisdiaHappy moments5 Comments

In which country in the world can you play two rounds of golf on a Kyle Phillips links course, swim on a listed wild beach, sit in a 5 th century bc Greek amphitheater, listen to « Iphigenie in Tauris » by Euripides with 6 000 young people, and admire (almost) alone a Greek Satyre from 4 th century bc, recently “fished”  between … Read More

A world of cheeses that travel

parisdiaHappy moments5 Comments

One of the best Christmas presensts I ever shared was a basket of fresh French cheeses delivered by Fed Ex to a Santa Barbara door step on Christmas eve. The present came from my nephew who resides in Shanghai and had guessed what was most needed by a French family living in America. Fromages.com was the good fairy that not … Read More

A dream house facing the Rhune

parisdiaHappy moments2 Comments

It is one of the great advantages of our times, that exceptional private houses, hidden away in the countryside, can be rented for short periods of time. « Martienea » (the house of Martin) is one of those treasure houses, set in the Basque country, 15 mns from Biarritz airport.

From Courson to Chantilly, a Princely triumph!

parisdiaHappy moments6 Comments

Hélène and Patrice Fustier were slightly nervous at 10 am this Friday morning, when the Festival of Plants, which they created in their castle of Courson 32 years ago, was for the first time taking place at Chantilly. At dinner the same evening, in the charming Maison de Silvie, everyone was completely relieved: 7 124 visitors had been faithful on … Read More

Versailles in gold and green

parisdiaHappy moments1 Comment

« Come at 7 pm through the « Grille de la Reine » said the invitation and we were just too happy to drive inside the parc de Versailles past the Trianon Palace hotel and look at the sheep having their Sunday night supper in the sunset. The new “Bosquet du Théâtre d’Eau”, resurrected by gardner Louis Benech, contemporary artist … Read More

A genius clarinetist at the US Embassy

parisdiaHappy moments2 Comments

« Madame Ambassador » was hosting a concert with five soloists from the New York Philharmonic, what a treat to be invited! A small group of French politicians including President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, former Minister of Health Roselyne Bachelot and diplomats Benoît d’Aboville and Jean David Levitte were happy to celebrate with her.

Napoleon’s last visit to La Malmaison

parisdiaHappy moments2 Comments

La Malmaison is the fairly small country house that Josephine found for Napoléon and herself in 1799 ; it is located in Rueil, a chic suburb 30 mns west of Paris. The long tree lined avenue, which used to be the main road from St Germain to Paris, leads to the charming « Consular style » house that is especially … Read More

Indulge in softness

parisdiaHappy moments2 Comments

If you have never tried a pair of linen or Egyptian cotton sheets, this is the time and place start. It took me about forty years to understand that and then, I got addicted. “Vis à Vis” is a fairly new shop hidden in a courtyard of Faubourg St Honoré, between Lanvin and Gucci. The atmosphere is cold and intimidating … Read More