Poulet en gelée, Daphné style

parisdiaRecipes4 Comments

Chicken, tarragon, a few carrots for color and jelly for a perfect summer lunch

My friend Daphné loves her food and is a pragmatic and great cook. When I visited her the other day in Provence, the temperature was of 40° centigrade and she managed to serve us the perfect dinner. Chicken in aspic. I went home the next day and tried to make it for myself. It was a great success so here is the recipe.

For five people, take four chicken breasts, boil them in a “bouillon” for ten minutes. They will remain very soft and tender. (You can also cook a whole chicken and use the breasts). Then make your jelly with powder, in France I use Maggi with Madeira sauce. Use a long cake dish which you fill with, first the tarragon at the bottom: don’t hesitate to use a lot because that’s what gives the taste. Then the shredded chicken, a few carrots for the color (but Daphné does not like peas and carrots). And pour the jelly at the end. Store in the fridge for a least four hours. And eat it the next day, it’s better.

You can serve it with a potato salad, green bean salad. It’s delicious and super easy.

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4 Comments on “Poulet en gelée, Daphné style”

  1. Bravo Daphné
    L’aspic de poulet est mon plat de base depuis ……un demi siècle et déclenche régulièrement les rires de mes amis du Japon au Cambodge en passant par mon Paradis du Gard .l’été prochain on fait un concours ?
    c’est pratiquement le seul plat que je ne rate jamais mais je n’avais pas pensé aux carottes .il faut les cuire?Ma version chic est de glisser du Foie gras
    Gros problème c’est difficile à couper

  2. Notre inoubliable Guily le faisait ainsi :
    Un poulet froid décortiqué et morceaux, dans la peau , mélangé avec une mayonnaise légère et plein d’estragon ciselé .
    Puis la gelée etc …..

  3. Wonderful. Thank You Laure. It brings back childhood memories.
    My Great Grandmother would make this either with chicken or veal
    for us to enjoy as a perfect summer dish!

  4. I tried it. Wonderfull. I was introduced to Boef en Jelle By the late Elsbeth Judah when living in Claviers in 1981.
    Thank you Laure for sharing.

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