Four ball amateur match play at Morfontaine

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Vincent Illouz, Clément Lemaire, François Illouz and Antoine Delon

Vincent Illouz (finalist), Clément Lemaire (winner), François Illouz (finalist) and Antoine Delon (winner)

It was an extraordinary final game at Morfontaine golf club, for Vincent and Francois Illouz and Clément Lemaire and Antoine Delon who played 36 holes under pouring rain and during ten hours, last Sunday, for the French amateur Four ball match play competition, Trophée Armand de Gramont.Read More

Anna Karenine at Théâtre de la Tempête

parisdiaNon classé, Performing arts1 Comment

Golshifteh Farahani as Anna Karenine, reminded me of Isabelle Adjani

Golshifteh Farahani as Anna Karenine: she reminded me of Isabelle Adjani at 17

French newspapers are full of Golshifteh Farahani, the 32 year old Iranian actress who had to leave her country four years ago, in order to be free on screen. She was in Cannes for the film festival and spoke about Jim Jarmush’s « Paterson » in which she acts, she is on French screens in « Les Malheurs de Sophie » by Christophe Honoré and is acting every night (until June 12) at Théâtre de la Tempête, at Cartoucherie de Vincennes, one of the best stages in France today.Read More

Daniel Templon turns 50

parisdiaArt, Books2 Comments

Daniel and his young associates

Daniel Templon with Anne Claudie-Coric, who runs the gallery,  and his young associates

To celebrate his fifty years as an art dealer, French  galerist Daniel Templon, commissioned a book on his professional life by Sorbonne Professor Julie Verlaine. It is a history of the last fifty years of contemporary art and a page turner about a little man from the suburbs, who became very big through his passion for art and his love of life.Read More

Arab gardens are full of teachings

parisdiaArt, Flowers and gardens3 Comments


Louis Hipollyte Mouchot, Chadouf

Louis Hipollyte Mouchot, “Chadouf”

There is a double attraction in visiting Institut du Monde arabe’s garden exhibition, « Jardins d’Orient, de l’Alhambra au Taj Mahal ».  Since Jack Lang was named President a few years ago, it seems that this institution, created in 1987 by François Mitterrand, has taken on a new modernity. And what is happening in the arab world today, is drawing more and more visitors, who try to understand the culture and tradition of these (mostly) Mediterranean countries. Read More

Woody Allen is back with “Café Society”

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Woody Allen directing the divine couple, Jesse Eisenberg and Kirsten Stewart, in “Café Society”

« First a murderer and now a Christian », is one of the hilariously funny sentences of the new Woody Allen film, « Café Society », which opened the Cannes Film festival 2016. Vonnie (Veronica) played by Kirsten Stewart, and Bobby (Jesse Eisenberg) form an intriguing couple in the 56 th film by the New York director. We find all his favorite themes, the Jewish family with a willful mother (the excellent Jeannie Berlin), Ben, the son turned mafioso, and Woody’s alter ego, Bobby, a young red headed who travels to Hollywood and returns fast to New York.

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From Courson to Chantilly, the Plants festival is a feast

parisdiaFlowers and gardens4 Comments

Built by Jardiland and designed by ZEA, this observation deck looked over thousand of camassias

Built by Jardiland and designed by ZEA, this observation deck looked over thousands of camassias and the Lake of Swans

The magic of Journée des Plantes de Chantilly has worked again this week end with lovely weather and Prince Amyn Aga Khan, in great form, during the three day event. He is more and more passionate about gardens. On Sunday, beloved French Interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve, showed up « en famille ».

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Charles Gleyre, a Swiss painter who taught Renoir and Sisley

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Turkish and arab horsemen,

Turkish and arab horsemen, 1838-39, Musée cantonal de Lausanne, photo Nora Rupp

With 120 paintings and many drawings, the exhibition at Musée d’Orsay, on Charles Gleyre, « The reformed Romantic », puts into light the work of a great adventurer who followed American Philanthropist John Lowell Jr, all the way to Khartoum after having studied watercolor with Bonington. He ran for 25 years, an atelier in Paris, where Renoir, Monet and Sisley studied as well as Gérôme and Whistler.

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Huang Yong Ping is MONUMENTA at Grand Palais

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Under the glass dome of Grand Palais, the long skeleton flows over 305 containers

Under the glass dome of Grand Palais, the long skeleton of “Empires”  flies over 305 containers

Everything is out of norm at the Grand Palais for this new edition of MONUMENTA devoted to Chinese artist Huang Yong Ping who lives in the Paris suburbs of Ivry sur Seine. « Empires », as the show is called, is a political work of art on globalisation , taking Napoléon’s battle of Eylau as a starting point. The Emperor’s famous hat stands on top of the containers and weighs 4 tons. It is made of wood, metal and tapestry. This show is the final point of 10 years of conception, for the first drawing was made in 2006. Until June 18 th, there are two exhibitions of the artists’s work at Kamel Mennour gallery.Read More