Vassilakis Takis, from magnetism to art

parisdiaArt4 Comments

It was fun, last night at the trendy Palais de Tokyo in Paris, to watch kids and adults behaving like kids, with their compass. They were experiencing the magnetic sculptures by Greek born sculptor Takis. The artist who spent most of his life in Paris studied with scientists from MIT experimenting light and sound, striving to capture cosmic energy.
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Lally gets into St Andrews at last

parisdiaBooks4 Comments

A French golfer, Lally Segard, becomes one the first seven Lady members of the Royal and Ancient golf Club in St Andrews and noone notices it in France ! Typical… Well I will tell you how extraordianry she is.
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Buttons are having a ball

parisdiaFashion4 Comments

What an extraordinary exhibition curated by Véronique Belloir, on the social role of buttons at Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris ! The museum located in the Louvre, bought Loïc Allio’s vast collection completed by 792 worthy pieces by artist Henri Hamm, who used to create buttons for Doucet and Worth during the first World War..
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Everything you always wanted to know about Apes

parisdiaHappy momentsLeave a Comment

Gilles Nicolas is a painter and a sculptor and he has a specific passion for very large animals. Elephants and dynosaures, have no secrets for him and he has therefore been a long time contributor to the Grande Galerie de l’Evolution of Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, in Paris. His three apes and chimpazees welcome us in the first room of the exhibition devoted to Apes.
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My Valentine

parisdiaHappy moments3 Comments

Ella is my Valentine this year, a beautiful little girl who has more friends than any baby I know. One day I will take her dancing in Venice where Alexis de Maud’huy and all the followers of his website Wikilove are meeting this year for Valentine, at 1 pm on Piazza San Marco…
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Remembering Comtesse Greffulhe

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Comtesse Greffulhe photographed by Nadar in Worth

Marcel Proust is very much in fashion in France. Is it the socialist government who needs to dream about the Belle Epoque or is snobism just an escape from dreary daily life?
One thing is sure, the biography of Comtesse Greffulhe by Laure Hillerin (published by Flammarion) was a hit for Christmas and its career keeps on growing thanks to a series of « musical evenings » organised in private houses in Paris.
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From Cambridge to stardom

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Cumberbatch as Alan Turing

It is rare enough to see two good films in a row for me to mention “the Theory of everything ” with Eddie Redmayne and  “Imitation Game” with Benedict Cumberbatch. You all know the story of pure genius Stephen Hawking by now. How he fell ill at Cambridge and lived already fifty years longer than the doctors had predicted to complete his « Brief history of time ».
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